Maisie Williams, the adorable Brit known for playing Arya Stark on Game of Thrones, is wondering why no one has noticed her new ankle tattoo. Considering the media's careful attention to celebrity ink — to which we happily plead guilty — it is surprising that no one took note. Nevertheless, somehow her body art escaped Twitter's eagle eye, and that has Williams's knickers in a twist.
"Someone gonna spot my other tattoo yet or what..." the actress tweeted, upon which Twitter users immediately took the bait. Ask the internet to find a tattoo? Oh, they'll find a tattoo. One user, @alessia, quickly responded with a photo of the ink.
"I did, a long time ago," she noted. Now that's a fan. After all, she noticed your tattoo before we did. Below, observe the fabled tattoo.
@Maisie_Williams i did a long time ago
— alessia (@lovelymaisiew) November 14, 2016
The ink depicts two tidy Japanese Kanji characters. According to Teen Vogue, the phrase translates to "adventure," or a version of it. So, this whole time, Williams has been wearing adventure on her ankle and we didn't even notice — despite our excitement over her last matching ink with co-star Sophie Turner in September.
So, a few words for Williams: Next time you get a tattoo, give us a call. We'll happily take note.