This Mom Completed The NYC Marathon While Breastfeeding

Photo: Denice Tyler/EyeEm/Getty Images.
Whoever thinks having kids prevents women from kicking ass needs to hear about Emily Sabato. A dedicated runner and mom, she wasn't going to let the New York City Marathon get in the way of nursing her daughter Hadley. A viral Facebook shows her balancing the nine-month-old in her arms in the middle of the race. Sabato's wife Chris Hermann passed Hadley off to her when she reached the mile 17 marker. The weight of the baby made her arms shake, but she still carried her for 10 blocks, all while nursing. But she makes it sound like a piece of cake. "It was much easier than pumping on the go and a lot better than being super full (which I was during the end of my 20-mile training run!) as well," she told The Huffington Post. The other competitors and onlookers were just as excited, she said. "One runner tapped me on the shoulder and said she did the same thing at Mile 8!" Her wife remembered something similar. "Emily’s face went from a very tired exhausted look to strong and determined, joyful happiness as people gave lots of support," she said. The takeaway? "I would like for women to remember they are strong and can do anything they commit to," said Sabato. Considering that moms have also pumped breastmilk while running and worked and done yoga while breastfeeding, we can't argue with that one.

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