Can You Spot Mariah Carey’s Photoshop Fail?

#festivating !! #happythanksgiving ?

A photo posted by Mariah Carey (@mariahcarey) on

No matter who you are, if you photoshop an image on Instagram, the commenters will call you out. Mariah Carey knows — and likely doesn't care. Carey shared a holiday image of herself holding a pie in a very, very low-cut top, skinny jeans, heels, and sunglasses inside, with the perfectly Mimi caption, "#festivating !! #happythanksgiving." As always, the Elusive Chanteuse looks glam and perfectly posed. Maybe too perfect. Commenters were quick to point out some strange issues with the image, with one writing, "Omlllll her body is sooooo perfect its [sic] bending cabinets and mirrors." The mirror by her shoulder does look a bit distorted, as does the cabinet by her left knee.
Most commenters didn't seem to mind, either pointing out that everyone does it or denying the photoshopping altogether.
One wrote, "Who cares? Newsflash [sic] people: all you filters and stuff...photoshop!!!"
"This IS 'Festivating'... doesn't look photoshopped at all. It's fun for Thanksgiving — just like all of us have. Smh," wrote another.
Regardless, Carey's looking pretty healthy and happy for someone just coming out of a broken engagement. Maybe it's that new MAC line (which is all we want for Christmas, bay-bee).

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