This Site Makes It Simple To Completely Delete Your Internet Presence

Photographed by Rockie Nolan.
It may sound silly, but all the technology I'm expected to keep up with gives me serious anxiety. Recently I left a Facebook message from an old college friend unread for over three months because I simply couldn't make myself deal with one more account that needed to be regularly checked, updated, or responded to. Sometimes I think I'd be better off if I just severed all ties with social media and simply stuck to one email address and some occasional texting. However, going through all my accounts, some of which I don't even remember the passwords for, seems like just another anxiety-producing technology-related task. Blessedly, now there's an easier way to disappear off the virtual grid. According to the Daily Dot, was created by Swedish developers Wille Dahlbo and Linus Unnebäck as a way to help you "clean up your existence," which is something some of us sorely need. To use the service, just go to the website and log in with your Google account — hopefully you have that one password. From there the site finds every single account associated with your email address, and then you choose which accounts to deactivate and which ones to keep. It's that simple. is still a work in progress. The Daily Dot also reported that for most of the big social media sites, like Twitter and Facebook, you can very easily select the deactivation option. However, smaller newsletters and other services may not have a delete link available, so you'll have to go through and manually find a way to deactivate them. Even with these cases, it's at least nice to see all the accounts associated with your email in one place. Trust me, when I "unseated myself," I found accounts I have no memory of ever creating.

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