#ToDoListBeforeChristmas Is All The Angsty Holiday Cheer You Need

Holiday preparations are one activity where expectations tend to fall short of reality. We say we'll start our shopping on Black Friday but end up waiting until Christmas Eve. We expect to leave time to spend with our families and friends but instead end up frantically trying to finish work. If you thought you were the only one who ended up in these scenarios, check out the Twitter hashtag #ToDoListBeforeChristmas. It turns out everyone else is also screwing up their plans. If preparing for the festivities isn't exactly a priority for you right now, that's very understandable.
If you habitually fall behind on your holiday shopping, that's also totally normal.
So is not completing the shopping ever.
For all these reasons, some are preparing for the worst.
But others are staying calm amid the chaos and just trying not to be overly ambitious.
If your to do list is stressing you out, you can at least rest assured that it can't possibly be as extensive as Santa's.

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