This time let's hope the third time is not the charm. A "heartbeat bill" in Ohio that has already been defeated twice is on its way to Gov. John Kasich. If passed, it would ban abortions once a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which can be as early as six weeks after conception — before most women even know they're pregnant, according to NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio. Kasich, who opposes abortion and who was among the Republican hopefuls for his party's candidate for president, has in the past questioned if such a bill is constitutional. He has not said whether or not he will sign the bill, which was approved last night by the Republican-controlled state House of Representatives. It had cleared the state Senate earlier that day after it was added to an unrelated child welfare bill. The Ohio bill, if signed into law, would make the Rust Belt State one of the worst places in America to terminate a pregnancy. It would not make exceptions for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest, though it would include termination to save the life of the pregnant woman. North Dakota and Arkansas passed similar bills that were later struck down as incompatible with Roe v. Wade; the Supreme Court declined to hear any appeals, sending the signal that an Ohio law would meet the same fate. But Ohio's conservative lawmakers see an opening after Donald Trump's victory in the presidential election last month. State Senate President Keith Faber, a Republican, said the twice-defeated bill came back up again because of Trump's election and the expectation that he will fill Supreme Court vacancies with justices who are more likely to uphold stricter abortion bans. (In addition to the vacant seat of the late Justice Antonin Scalia, three additional Supreme Court justices may soon retire, allowing a President Trump to assemble a heavily conservative top court.)
While the Ohio Legislature is taking away the rights of women @JohnKasich is hosting a holiday party. We brought a few friends #StopTheBans
— Planned Parenthood (@PPAOhio) December 6, 2016
The #heartbeatbill is an "unconstitutional, dangerous attack on Ohio’s women.” CALL JOHN KASICH NOW AND TOMORROW 614-466-3555 #stopthebans
— Eli Kalil (@elikalil_) December 7, 2016
#WeWontGoBack in Ohio @JohnKasich Politicians controlling women's bodies is big government and unconstitutional. @ProChoiceOH @PPAOhio
— Lane Scarberry (@LaneScarberry) December 7, 2016