With A Meaningless Apology, Jennifer Lawrence Just Had Her First Amy Schumer Moment

Photo: BabiradPicture/REX/Shutterstock
Earlier this week, Jennifer Lawrence threw away all of the hard work she put into being the low-key, much-liked, not-at-all-controversial celebrity that we’ve come to know. She’s branded herself as a silly and self-depreciating millennial who is not at all fazed by her enormous success. She’s just like us. But in less than two minutes, J Lawr proved that she’s actually just like her BFF Amy Schumer. Both of them are seemingly oblivious to how they offend other people until the general public calls them out. And then they both release meaningless apologies that settle nothing except the fact that they’re still oblivious. Twitter was forced to read Lawrence for filth after she shared one of her “self-deprecating” stories on The Graham Norton Show. She admitted that while filming the Hunger Games, she used some sacred rocks, that people aren’t supposed to sit on, to scratch her butt through a wetsuit. Clarifying the significance of the rocks, she off-puttingly mentioned “I dunno, they were ancestors, who knows — they were sacred.” Translation: I didn’t care about the significance of the rocks then, and I still don’t.

Following the public outrage, Lawrence has released a statement on Facebook claiming that she “meant absolutely no disrespect to the Hawaiian people.” And although her comments were “not funny,” she thought the joke was on her.
Translation: I’m sorry if you guys didn’t get the joke. I don’t mean to offend Hawaiian people, but if scratching my butt on your sacred stuff is offensive, I’m actually not sorry.

White privilege allows people like Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer to not only think that their intentions trump everything else, but that their faux pas will make great stories. How could someone possibly be offended that J Lawr rubbed her ass on some sacred rock, when clearly what matters most is that she gets butt itches just like us? Girl, bye.

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