In Case You Needed Another Way To Check Your Tinder Matches…

Photo: Courtesy of Apple.
In case the notifications that pop up on your phone every time you match with a new Tinder user aren't enough to keep track of all your suitors, you now have a totally new way to interact with them. Tinder is downloadable on Apple TV for magnified, remote-controlled swiping, Fast Company reports. Ads released by the dating app suggest you could use this new version to consult your friends and family about your potential dates — no need to even pass around your phone. A post on Tinder's blog calls it "the biggest thing to hit family night since Yahtzee." "Need a second opinion before you Super Like? Good news: the cousins from Omaha just rolled in. Plus, why swipe alone when you can let Aunt Donna have a say?" it reads. "Swipe on, be nice to your sister, and please, no fighting over the remote." We think it's safe to say, though, that if you don't feel comfortable shopping for hookups in front of your family, displaying them on a large screen won't change that. And we definitely don't need any opportunities to fight with our siblings over Tinder matches.

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