Your sister is transgender but you're going to perform for Trump's extremely anti-LGBT administration? Think again @jackieevancho.
— Daniel Pfister (@DanielAPfister) December 14, 2016
Disappointed to hear @jackieevancho will be performing at Trump's inauguration, especially considering her sister is trans... #gurlwhat
— AJ Szalla (@ajLIMELIGHT) December 14, 2016
@jackieevancho What are you thinking? You are going to sing at the inauguration and your sister is transgender? Think of your family first!
— Debbie (@Mygypsytoes) December 15, 2016
@jackieevancho so just to be clear, you're performing for a man who's VP doesn't consider your transgender sibling a human being. How sad.
— Gandalf the Ganster (@maxrobins) December 14, 2016