Way back in high school, our Environmental Science teacher showed us this really crazy video. The rainforest rap became instantly iconic among the class. We would sing its chorus to each other on the quad. The teacher was a cool enough guy, even though he wore a pirate-hoop earring, and he kind of got how goofy it was. Through the power of YouTube, we can now share that video.
Pretty crazy, right? Anyways, Natalie Portman used to do that same thing. The Jackie star revealed that she was part of a child group of environmental singers called "The World Kids" when speaking to James Corden. Being the seasoned professional that he is, he had the clip ready to go. One would think that Portman, a seasoned performer, would be over the mortification of seeing onesself perform. One would be incorrect in that thinking.
Her reaction is priceless. Watch below.
Amazing. It's like Captain Planet.