Girl Scout Cookie-Inspired Gum Is Giving Us Life Until Thin Mints Return

Photo: Courtesy of Project 7.
As if we need another reason to be excited about 2016 ending, we just got some major news that almost makes us want to fast-forward though the holidays. While 2017 will bring us one step closer to Girl Scout cookie season, not everyone will be able to get their hands on a box right away. But the Girl Scouts have got a little something for us to chew on while we wait. Project 7 (a unique sweets company that donates some of its proceeds to charity) has partnered up with the GSUSA to bring us Girl Scout Cookie-inspired gum. This limited-edition collaboration is gearing up to celebrate the 100th year of the almighty GSUSA's cookie-peddling magic. That's a lot of years filled with Thin Mints, people. The chewing gum will come in two legendary cult-favorite flavors: Girl Scouts Caramel Coconut (Samoas or Caramel deLites) and Thin Mints (screaming). So if you aren't still surviving off of 2016's loot — boxes definitely don't last for nearly that long in our freezers — don't worry. Come January 1, 2017 you'll be able to purchase Girl Scout-inspired gum online (or head to any nearby Target location). Now, we just have to figure out how to make it last until our cookies arrive.

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