Is Your Favorite On Ben & Jerry’s Top 10 Flavors Of 2016?

Photographed by Refinery29.
If you haven't tapped out from eating Christmas cookies yet, we've got a sweet list from ice cream makers Ben & Jerry's to tempt your tummy. Each year, the brand shares a list of its top 10 best sellers, and each year, it just makes us hungry. Does your favorite flavor make the cut or do you prefer not to follow the pack with your pint choice?
1. Half Baked: a combination of Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice creams
2. Cherry Garcia: cherry ice cream with cherries and fudge flakes
3. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: vanilla ice cream with gobs of chocolate chip cookie dough
4. Chocolate Fudge Brownie: chocolate ice cream with fudge brownie pieces
5. The Tonight Dough: caramel and chocolate ice creams with chocolate cookie swirls and gobs of chocolate chip cookie dough, as well as peanut butter cookie dough
6. Americone Dream: vanilla ice cream with fudge-covered waffle cone pieces and a caramel swirl
7. Phish Food: chocolate ice cream with marshmallow swirls, caramel swirls, and fudge fish
8. Chunky Monkey: banana ice cream with fudge chunks and walnuts
9. Strawberry Cheesecake: strawberry Cheesecake ice cream with strawberries and a thick graham cracker swirl
10. Salted Caramel Core: sweet cream ice cream with pieces of blondies and a salted caramel core
There are no major changes in the lineup since last year, even though Ben & Jerry's released a few delicious new flavors, including the politically minded Empower Mint and a dairy-free line. And if you've always wondered how many flavors Ben & Jerry's offers, wonder no more.

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