Kim Kardashian, Queen Of The Humblesext

Comedian Harris Wittels invented the concept of the humblebrag way back in 2011, several online epochs ago. If you're unfamiliar, the humblebrag is when you say something like, "Ugh, I'm so sick of Quentin Tarantino asking me to be in his movies. It's like, enough!" You're framing your brag in the context of a complaint. I do this all the time, it's great. There are tons of examples in lots of different places. But the category has gone stale, and succumbed to the inevitable meaning erosion for any cool concept online. So we need a new thing to latch onto. Manthreading is, like, so last week. Introducing the humblesext. The humblesext is a phenomenon we're all familiar with. Your friend that asks you to post a bikini picture where she's got just the right angle and her leg is raised just enough. The guy that's always playing with his hair when you take a gym picture together. "Tag me," the humblesexter says. Then you post the picture and they comment, "Ugh, my tan makes my eyes way too bright." The humblesexter combines the thirst trapper with the humblebragger into an internet machine of mixed messaging and "unintentional" good-lookingness that would make a MySpace teen weep in awe. Kim Kardashian, the inventor of many internet ephemera, is our primary practitioner. The Humblesext Queen, if you will. Her first entry was 13 months ago, when daughter North "accidentally" posted this bikini picture from 10 years ago. Hahaha, whoops! Now Kim is humblesexting once again. She's done so on her app, under the guise of a takeover by her longtime makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic. The makeup artist posted a never-before-seen set of behind-the-scene pics of Kardashian in a bikini-and-leather shoot. If you think she didn't have a hand in this, you are a very trusting person. Here are some, posted to Twitter by fans.
Even her "silly" pics are definitely humblesexts.

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