Paul Ryan Had To Ask A Kid To Stop Dabbing

Photo: Zach Gibson/AP/REX/Shutterstock
Turns out 2017 might be even crazier than 2016 since it's already the year Paul Ryan had to politely instruct a teen to stop dabbing, according to The Hill. Dabbing, which involves bowing your head into the crook of your arm, was popularized by people like Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton and the rap group Migos. Now, it's a popular gesture that those in the know are making in photos and also pretty much everywhere else, including Congress.
The moment, captured on video, shows Kansas Rep. Roger Marshall (R) and his family taking a photo with Ryan on Tuesday. Just before the camera's flashed, Marshall's son assumed the pose, much to Ryan's confusion. He asked if the teen was alright. "Do you want to put your hand down?" Ryan asks. "Are you going to sneeze?" Shortly after, Ryan tweeted about the incident.
"Still don't get what dabbing is, though," he ended the post. Representative Marshall also tweeted, likely jokingly, that his son was grounded after the photo.
No matter how hard we try, dabbing and politics just don't mix.

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