While we’ve spent the past couple of months plotting our escape from the inevitable winter beauty rut, Bella Thorne has been living life to the fullest. And by fullest, we mean she's been leading the sparkliest, most colorful existence possible. To wit: Her rainbow hair, new tattoos, and unshakeable love for glitter — which, apparently, extends to her face.
In love with da glit glit pic.twitter.com/lSHe1jZv7X
— bella thorne (@bellathorne) January 3, 2017
Seemingly, Thorne wasn't willing to limit her sparkle quotient to just below the neck. In a series of photos posted to Snapchat last night, you can see the actress went hard in the glittery face paint department — resulting in an all-over strobing moment. And she wasn't shy with the stuff: She applied it on her eyelids, temples, cheekbones, nose, and neck. (Then again, we've never known Thorne to be shy in the first place, what with all those impossible-to-miss beauty escapades.)
ur glitter makeup is cute asf?@bellathorne pic.twitter.com/OPXizy6fyc
— kaho♡bella (@kahochi1207) January 3, 2017
Whether she’s covered in shimmer or going wild with DIY hair dye, one thing is for sure: She always looks like she’s having a lot of fun. So in that case, we'll have what she’s having.