People Putting “Young Pope” Into Song Lyrics Is Pretty Good

Sometimes a show comes along. I'm not going to a say a perfect show. But a show that's perfect for it's time and place. Young Pope is just such a show. The Jude Law-starring HBO drama is pretty much about what its title might suggest. There's a Pope. The guy is young, and he's the freaking Pope. We know what you're saying. Aren't Popes usually old? That's the whole point of the show. The guy is young this time around. We know, settle down. The Young Pope will premiere January 15, but some people have decided they're not waiting for him to visit before creating some killer content. That's where Twitter comes in. People are replacing song lyrics to be about the freaking Young Pope. Wow. We know. Breathe. Here are some.
But the best tweet of the night goes to Gawker OG Emily Gould.

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