It’s Now Legal To Get Your Buzz On At A Blowout Bar

Photographed by Molly Cranna.
There are a few bills floating around right now that we aren’t too thrilled about, but here’s one we can actually get behind: As of January 1, AB1322 (a.k.a the "Drybar bill") is officially in effect in California. The new legislature states that beauty salons and barber shops can now legally serve a glass or two of free bubbly to accompany your blowout. Which, makes perfect sense to us — it is called a blowout bar, after all. Inspired by the original blowdry-only chain Drybar (hence the name), the law allows these shops to offer complimentary alcohol without needing to jump through hoops for a liquor license. Within reason, that is: ABC 7 reported that the rule limits 21+ customers to six ounces of wine or 12 ounces of beer per visit. The only other condition is that it must be served at no extra charge. (Fine by us.) Just like bridal boutiques that offer a glass of Champagne while you dress shop, it's a nice option that can completely enhance the experience – and it makes sense for the rule to follow suit at salons. Plus, AB1322 legitimizes what’s already pretty common practice in the industry: Drybar founder Alli Webb, who spearheaded the bill, told ABC 7 that they’ve been offering free drinks to clients since the doors first opened in 2010. Plenty of other high-end salons offer the same perk. Primping and prosecco just go hand in hand, and the government of California seems to agree. Now if he can only get the 49 other states in the U.S. on board.

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