Anthropologie Is Selling A Dress Named After The Gowanus Canal & The Internet Has Jokes

Gowanus, a neighborhood in south Brooklyn, is home to art galleries, music venues, and a truly gross canal — and for the low, low price of $188, you can wear it.
While that may sound unpleasant, Anthropologie's dress named after the neighborhood is anything but. In fact, it's why Twitter is having a bit of a moment, pointing out the irony of such an item.
The Gowanus V-Neck Tunic Dress, as it's officially named, is a part of a larger Brooklyn collection carried by the whimsical retailer. It's accompanied by the Ditmas V-neck tunic, the Park Slope printed tunic, and the Carroll tunic. Gowanus sticks out like a sore thumb because of its heavily polluted canal, and the current gentrification of the Brooklyn area makes a $188 silk dress a little too on the nose.
For what it's worth, the designers of the dress, Brooklyn-based UZI NYC, had no idea that's how they were going to be packaged. "We were a little shocked when we saw how Anthropologie named the dresses as we would have never chosen those names," designer Mari Gustafson told Gothamist. "It would be nice if we could be in control of every aspect of how our products are presented but that isn’t the case when you are a wholesaler." There's also the other elephant in the room: URBN (Anthropologie's parent company) CEO Richard Hayne pledged money to cut Environmental Protection Agency efforts to stop mercury pollution, a big problem in the Gowanus canal.
Gustafson continues to look on the bright side, telling DNA Info, "I'm glad they didn't name them after Greenpoint or Williamsburg or Bushwick, because that would be too cheesy. I think it's interesting that they're noticing that the hip factor of Brooklyn is south of Atlantic Avenue. I think it's great for Brooklyn." It probably smells better, too.

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