Hillary Clinton Getting Standing Ovations On Broadway Now

Had Hillary Clinton won the election in November, we'd be hearing another round of stories about how her White House would somehow be compromised by the fact that she has a charity and dubious email practices. Just as those stories were largely baseless during the campaign, she would have almost definitely been the target of some random smear. Of course, she didn't win. So now she's being treated to standing ovations on Broadway. The New York Times reports that she received a rousing round of applause at the final performance of the revival of The Color Purple. "Mrs. Clinton, accompanied by her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and their daughter, Chelsea, received several ovations from the sold-out audience as she arrived, and then another round of applause when she was acknowledged by the cast after the show," the Times writes. Contrast that with Mike Pence's reception at Hamilton. Clinton has pulled a strange trick that appears to be unique to Democratic politicans. Bernie Sanders, for example, became the most popular politician in America after he lost to Clinton in the primary. If only there were some sort of popularity contest to determine the next President. Oh well, that'll never happen.

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