These Snow-Day Tweets Are Hilariously Mean

Photo: Getty Images.
When we were younger, we had to call a hotline or check a website to find out whether we had a snow day the next day. Or maybe, the principal announced it on the school's PA system. We didn't have much say in the matter. But if you're a kid these days, the way to your school district's cold, icy heart is an avalanche of tweets. Last week, students in Georgia's Cherokee County School District were pretty sure they'd get a day off from school when the surrounding districts gave their kids a weather-related break, as PopSugar reported. The answer was: No snow day for you, kids. So they tweeted, and tweeted, and tweeted, clamoring for a day of sledding and hot chocolate (okay, of social media). They didn't get the typical canned response. Whoever runs the school district's Twitter account is a brilliant social media manager and sent back some delightfully sassy replies. Today, schools in the Atlanta-area county are closed. The kids finally got their snow-day prayers answered (reportedly because of road conditions, but we'd like to think the tweets tipped the scales). Well, that's not stopping people from blanketing Twitter in a flurry of pleas directed @CherokeeSchools. The kids: "What about another day off tomorrow, though?!" The parents: "For the love of god, please send them back to school. Oh, and please pay my lengthy wine bill. I can't anymore." Again, the school district wasn't having it. (Sorry kids, you still have school tomorrow.) These responses are pure gold:

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