Canada Officially Has Better Oreo Products Than We Do

Photo: Courtesy of Nabisco.
Last week, we discovered that Canada has Oreo-flavored Cadbury Creme Eggs, and we were left feeling sad, angry, and confused. Why can't we have this amazing treat in America? It's simply not fair. It's been a few days, and we were finally starting to get back on track after this disappointment when we found yet another incredible Oreo-inspired dessert that is only available in Canada. Last night, CandyHunting posted a photo to Instagram of Oreo Birthday Cake Ice Cream Sandwiches. Yes, when I saw it, I was overcome by an urge to fling my phone across the room. We know that Canadians are lovely people, but does that mean they're more deserving of these Oreo treats? Or, perhaps they're so lovely because they have so many exciting Oreo-themed desserts. I for one know I would be a much better and happier person if I had access to birthday cake-flavored ice cream sandwiched between two giant Oreo cookies. I mean, wouldn't you? So here, I supposed there are two possible solutions. We can either move to Canada or just try our best to recreate the recipe on our own. The decision is up to you. Good luck.

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