Obama Squeezes In One Last Dad Joke Before Leaving Office

Of course he did. President Obama just had to make one last dad joke before leaving office. We're sure Malia and Sasha are thrilled. In response to a tweet by NASA's Mars-exploring Curiosity rover, which showed a photo of a document with the president's signature on the surface of the red planet, POTUS tweeted the most "Ugh, DAD!" thing ever. "That is out of this world. Thanks, @NASA," he wrote. It's very hard to top "Yes we cran," but at least he tried. And while we'll miss his well-meaning corniness, at least we can always look back at his greatest hits — like all those turkey-pardon videos. Actually, who knows? We still have seven days to go. Surprise us, POTUS — we could use a laugh.

One last dad joke.

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