The Internet Is About To Find Itself In the Middle Of Some Serious Pizza Drama

Photographed by Alexandra Gavillet.
When it comes to food, there's plenty to argue about. Should a hot dog be considered a sandwich? Which is better, In-N-Out or Shake Shack? Do beans belong in chili? Like most people, I have my own strong opinions on all of these important issues and would gladly go up against anyone who disagrees with me on any of them. When you feel passionately about something, it's only natural to want to defend it. And, that's why people all over the internet are about to freak out over a brand new food controversy. Yesterday, The New York Times ran a piece entitled, "Why Clam-Chowder Pizza Is the Best Kind," in which the author, Sim Sifton (the paper's food editor) proclaimed that clams are not just a tasty thing to put on a pizza, but that they are the best topping a pizza could ever have. Talk about divisive. This author is waxing poetic about combining one of America's most beloved foods, pizza, with something that you don't typically find on your local slice. Since I already told you I take food convictions very seriously, here are my thoughts — I love seafood and am a big fan of clams. I'm also a pretty adventurous eater, so I'd have no problem trying a slice of clam pizza. However, I would be shocked if I took a bite and was magically convinced that it was the best kind of pizza you could ever order anywhere. And, Sifton isn't kindly suggesting his readers give it a try. He's saying that he definitely believes this it's the best pizza out there. He literally wrote, "Quibble all you like, but a clam pizza is the very best pizza in the world." When you make an assertion like that, no matter what it's about, people are going to have feelings. For the record, at this point in my life journey, I believe the perfect pizza is topped with sweet Italian sausage, mushrooms, green bell peppers, black olives, and onion. Thin crust or pan pizza is preferred. I also think there are some things that do not belong anywhere near a pizza — barbecue chicken, I am looking at you. While my favorite toppings are far less controversial than clams, I still fully expect to hear opposition. It's just the nature of the food feud game.

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