“Keep America Great” Is Donald Trump’s 2020 Slogan & Also The Purge‘s

Photo Credit: Moviestore/REX/Shutterstock
For the past year, no one could escape President-elect Donald Trump's ominous "Make America Great Again" hats, bumper stickers, banners, jokes, and speeches. The slogan was everywhere (in Montana in October 2016 it actually was everywhere).
And now, Trump is already unveiling and trademarking his new slogan for the 2020 election, the Washington Post reports. (Yes — he plans to *gulp* run again.) The presidential catchphrase is similar enough to the one that landed him in the White House, but different enough to show that he was capable of coming up with a new one. Ready? It's "Keep America Great!" (Note: the exclamation point.)
Oh, what? What's that you say, horror movie buff in the back of the room? Did you just say that this slogan is LITERALLY FROM THE PURGE: ELECTION YEAR. (Minus the exclamation point.)
Entertainment Weekly was the first to notice the connection. The site had interviewed the film's director, James DeMonaco, about the show's relevance in the 2016 election. In the film, the annual purge takes place during an election, where a woman is running for president and the male president is very Trumpish. At the time DeMonaco said, "I think the audience will have a lot of fun saying, ‘Oh, that reminds me of something Donald said!’"
I don't think he meant it quite so literally though.
Good luck sleeping tonight!

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