Celebs Inspired By Kellyanne Conway Tweet Their Own #AlternativeFacts

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer shared several pieces of false information suggesting that Trump's inauguration had a high turnout — then made more inaccurate statements to justify the low attendance. The internet had a field day, creating memes imagining what other lies Spicer might tell. Trump adviser Kellanne Conway added more fodder for these jokes when she said that Spicer was simply using "alternative facts." The hashtag #alternativefacts began trending, with a number of celebrities joining in. In an alternate universe imagined by Lance Bass, the former Backstreet Boy had a fling with Betty White. Now, that would be an interesting couple.
Chris Wood proposed something you should never try at home.
David Schneider is engaging in wishful thinking.
And yet, to George Takei, this all makes a weird kind of sense in a world where Trump is president.
But Samantha Bee prefers to imagine an "alternative" country led by someone else.

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