Liberal Women Are Cleaning Up On OkCupid

Looking to find love online? Well, let's hope you're an advocate for equal rights. Oh, and believing in a free press and a healthy masturbation habit can't hurt, either. Why? Because women who self-identify as progressive on these issues and various others are killing it at the OkCupid game, Mashable reports. "Want to find success on OkCupid?" the publication asks. "Don't be a Republican." According to new data from the app, the most sought-after women on OkCupid are liberal, outspoken, sexual, and educated. Sign us up. The strongest marker of success on OkCupid ("success" is counted as deactivating your account because you met someone on the app) is displaying your support for same-sex marriage; women who do so are 85% more likely to find love on the app. A stated obligation to help one's fellow human beings similarly increases the likelihood of success on OkCupid — by 72%. Wow, compassion making you popular? What a novel idea these days. "Caring about the equality of fellow human beings is the most distinguishing quality of women who’ve found their match on OkCupid," a spokesperson from the app stated in a blog post, "and we’re pretty damn proud of that."
"It’s never been more important to be outspoken, open-minded and socially active," OkCupid continues. Amen to that. "As it turns out, embracing these qualities also helps your dating life, and ultimately your chances of finding someone special. Substance, smarts — and more importantly, strength — have never been sexier." Other issues that lead women to meet their match online include supporting education, advocating for a free press, believing in the separation of church and state, taking an open-minded approach to sexuality, and harboring a disdain for typos. Bless you, liberal women of OkCupid. May your protests keep going strong, may your pussy hats keep you warm, and may your messages from potential dates always use the correct "you're."

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