Samantha Bee Tackled Everything That’s Wrong With Trump’s Ban — & It Was Glorious

Since President Trump signed an executive order halting the refugee settlement program and banning travel and immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, pretty much everyone and their mother has come out against it. And on Wednesday night, Canadian-turned-American national treasure Samantha Bee tore into everything that's wrong with Trump's order on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee. Let's break it down, shall we?

The executive order caused chaos for no reason (and it won't accomplish anything)

The rollout of the executive order was incredibly confusing for everyone — including Trump's own administration. Bee called it "the of Islamophobia." And even though Trump insists that it's about keeping Americans safe, no terrorist has come from any of the seven countries covered by the ban. Bee showed a CNN clip explaining that the number of citizens killed by people coming from these countries since 1975 is... zero. (And that's according to The CATO institute, which is a libertarian free-market think tank.) "Look, we learned years ago that using national origin as the basis for exclusion didn't work. And it pissed off our allies," Bee said. "Oh, hey! Do you know what does work to prevent terrorist attacks? When presidents pay attention in their security briefings."

Contrary to what the Trump camp says, Obama didn't enact a ban first

Trump's allies have repeated ad nauseam that the executive order is similar to the Obama administration visa policy in 2011, but that's completely false.

"People didn't protest because Obama didn't ban anyone or suspended visa applications," Bee explained. "He just added new vetting requirements that slowed visa processing down. It's the difference between going to the DMV on a busy day, and going to the Post Office on Sunday." So, please stop repeating this false equivalence.

The refugee ban is cruel — & totally misses the point

"Immigrants are people who leave their country hoping for a better life," Bee said. "Refugees are people who flee their country hoping just to stay alive. Also, refugees don't get to pick where they go. They wait patiently for any country to take them." The show had previously tackled how complex and long the refugee settlement process really is. In case you didn't know, refugees undergo a rigorous vetting process from multiple agencies. The process usually lasts for about two years. Trump's assertion that banning refugees for 120 days will somehow improve national security ignores the fact that the chances of an American getting killed by a foreign-born terrorist is one in 3.6 million per year. The chance of getting killed by a refugee? One in 3.64 freakin' billion per year. The idea that we must prohibit people from coming into the U.S. for security reasons is not new; President Franklin Delano Roosevelt floated it during World War II. (And we all know how that went.) Bee concluded the segment with some strong words for the president. "I won’t mention that this refugee ban is immoral, embarrassing, and inhuman. I’ll just point out that it is the act of a giant pussy," she said. "Here is a man who’s afraid of germs, stairs, books, unprocessed food, women, birds, Muslims, Russian pee tapes, inner cities, and, of course, strong winds. But he can’t recognize the courage of people who survived literal war zones to come to a new country, start over with nothing, and keep going each day despite the contempt with which we’re horrible enough to treat them." "You want a Muslim ban? We know you do, so say it already," she said, adding, "Own your pointless cruelty. That is why America voted for you … except for the majority of America that didn’t.
Editor's note: An earlier version of this story identified The CATO Institute as a conservative organization. It's a libertarian free-market think tank. Refinery29 apologizes for the mistake.

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