Here’s What Jack’s Little “Best Girl” From Titanic Looks Like Now

Rose may be Jack's true love, but his "best girl" is and will always be Cora, the girl he dances with on the boat when he introduces Rose to his friends in steerage. Alex Owens-Sarno was eight years old when Leonardo DiCaprio told her "You're still my best girl, Cora." Now, she's 28 and a writer as well as an actress.
Most recently, she acted in the "homoerotic Evangelical exorcism film" A Closer Walk with Thee and the horror flick The Sluagh. She also just got a writing degree from California State University, Long Beach. She's working on a novel and wrote a sketch comedy that she'll be "producing very soon," so we may be seeing even more of her!
But Owens-Sarno still reminisces on her Titanic days. "My mom has an amazing picture of me, Leo, Kate, and my little sister Rachel hanging out when they were resetting for the dancing scene," she told Buzzfeed. "It’s one of my favorites and is a reminder of just how lucky I am to have worked with two of the best actors out there." She was a bigger part of the movie than we realized. One deleted scene shows poor Cora's death, and in another, less tragic one, Jack draws her. She even had the sketch signed by the actor, but unfortunately, someone stole it. Owens-Sarno's relationship with DiCaprio was just as cute off-screen as it was on-camera. He "was an absolute doll," she said. "He was so fun and charming. He loved to put a smile on everyone’s face. [I’d often] be on his lap with a PB&J in between takes." It's uplifting to hear the cast is still in each other's hearts — which, we're told, will go on.

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