LGBT Rights Advocates Protest Trump Outside The Stonewall Inn

In response to anti-LGBT legislation reportedly being considered by Donald Trump and his cabinet, an LGBT Solidarity Rally took place Saturday at New York's Stonewall National Monument, right next to the famous gay bar the Stonewall Inn. Trump plans to uphold an executive order from Obama that protects LGBT people from discrimination at work, and he hasn't issued any anti-LGBT executive orders yet, as many feared. But that could change. On Wednesday, The Nation leaked a draft order titled "Establishing a Government-Wide Initiative to Respect Religious Freedom" that could allow any organization to discriminate on religious grounds. It wouldn't come as a shock if this were signed since Trump has expressed support for the First Amendment Defense Act, which lets businesses decline to serve people for religious reasons. It could, for example, let someone refuse to photograph or supply a cake for a same-sex wedding. Also, Vice President Mike Pence has expressed opposition to same-sex marriage and advocated conversion therapy. The rally is also protesting other executive orders from Trump, including one that bans people from seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering. "Join us in front of the Stonewall Inn as we stand in solidarity with every immigrant, asylum seeker, refugee and every person impacted by Donald Trump's illegal, immoral, unconstitutional and un-American executive orders," the event's Facebook page reads. "We will also speak out against Trump's selection of the most anti-LGBT nominees and appointees in modern history."
Corey Johnson, a member of the New York City council, organized the protest. Its sponsors included Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio.
According to the West Village Patch, several politicians attended and spoke at the rally. "I've got your back, and I know you've got mine," declared Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. He then shouted "dump Trump!" to echoes from the audience.
Johnson also had powerful words, saying, "Here in New York City, we will be the face of the resistance."

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