Anthony Anderson’s Mom Taught Him A Very Important Lesson — & It’s NSFW

Photo: courtesy ABC.
Whether or not you were lucky enough to have "the talk" with your parents, we're willing to bet that yours wasn't as thorough as the one that Anthony Anderson got from his mom. In an interview with Conan O'Brien, the Black-ish star detailed just how involved his mother's conversation with him was — and let's just say that while it's certainly an important lesson, hearing it from dear ol' mom probably wasn't something Anderson expected. "I'll just cut to the chase: My mother taught me how to go downtown," he said. "My mama taught me how to eat the cookie. Oral sex, Conan! Oral sex." O'Brien blushed, but Anderson was more than happy to tell the tale. He was in his 20s, and his mother was actually doling out advice to a whole group, not just him. (Anderson's mother was a telephone operator and actress, not a teacher, by the way.) Oh, and she also trotted out some visual aids. That's right, not only did Mama Anderson give these twentysomethings a detailed lesson on oral sex, she used film to assist her instruction, because she had a "very extensive video collection." After all, some of us are visual learners. "I had just come home from college and we had happened to be sitting around in the family room — not only me, but my buddies and their girlfriends," he said. "She not only taught me and my brothers and my boys, but also the women how to do what they needed to do." Anderson isn't embarrassed about it. In fact, he seemed pretty pleased to share the story. Not everyone can brag about having such an open and honest relationship with their parents, especially when it comes to sex. "It was a great time. I mean, it was fun! We laughed. My mother's sitting up there teaching us what we thought we knew. It turned out to be great knowledge." He joked, "Mom, I think Conan wants a one-on-one!" Check out the video, below.

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