A Lisa Frank Makeup Palette Is Officially Happening

Update: More products are joining the highly anticipated Lisa Frank makeup collection (with illustration teasers to come, we're sure). So what can we expect? A travel-sized bronzer, single eyeshadow, two Trapper Keeper binders, and one Trapper Keeper mystery palette on the design docket. For once, nostalgia served us well.
Update (March 29, 2017): Last month, Glamour Dolls Makeup launched a Kickstarter campaign intended to bring you the Lisa Frank cosmetics collection of your middle school dreams. The goal: raise $30,000 to expand the line — which already includes a blush brush — with shimmery pink highlighters, unicorn nail polishes, and more. With three days left, the project has raised upwards of $173,000.
Now, Allure reports that you can expect yet another makeup venture, and you'll soon be able to pick up your own Trapper Keepers eyeshadow palettes. There will be two variations: one with bolder shades, while the other will be neutral. Both are still in production so there are no photos as of right now, but if it's anything like those color-laden notebooks of yore, you can bet it'll be worth the wait.
This story was originally published on February 16.
We may no longer carry around folders and notebooks, but that does not mean we're too old for Lisa Frank. We can already sport her designs on our clothes and nails, and soon, we could also admire them in front of the mirror.
The cruelty-free, vegan brand Glamour Dolls Makeup and Lisa Frank herself have created an angled blush brush with her celestial unicorns on the handle, Popsugar reports. And through a Kickstarter campaign, they're raising money to make five makeup products and a vegan leather makeup bag with the same theme.
The campaign has already raised over $13,000 of its $30,000 goal. If you contribute, you can have a say in the new releases' colors and names. According to the Kickstarter page, Frank herself favors nude lips and rainbow nails.
"Makeup is art. Lisa's designs are masterpieces," it states what we all know to be true. "It made sense to bring these two worlds together."
The blush brush is available for $4.99, and you can pre-order the makeup and bag to get them by September.
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