Maternity Coverage Could Disappear In Trump's America

While many of us are understandably concerned about birth control access under the new government administration, that unfortunately might not be the only thing we have to worry about. Soon, we may have to fight to keep maternity health care.
On Thursday, it came to light that Seema Verma, Donald Trump's pick to lead the government's health insurance program, thinks that maternity care doesn't need to be a priority. According to the Associated Press, Verma testified before the Senate Finance Committee on her nomination to lead the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and said that maternity care should be optional.
Verma told the Senate Finance Committee that patients, not the government, should determine what benefits they need from insurance. Which sounds all well and good, but if maternal health care coverage isn't a guarantee, many lower-income patients may have to choose between proper care and saving money.
Though Medicaid currently covers some maternity care, Verma also said that she seeks to fully overhaul the Medicaid program, and doesn't support turning it into a "voucher" program. And while the Affordable Care Act also provides maternal benefits, Republicans have promised to repeal the ACA.
While Verma said that "some women might not choose" maternity care, the AP reports that many physicians groups recommend that maternity be a mandatory benefit, since about half of pregnancies in the U.S. are unplanned.

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