Lush’s New Hair Product Is A Not-So-Subtle Nod To Trump

Photo: Lush.
Tremendous, big league, huge, failing, and sad are just a few of the words and expressions that have become newly invigorated under President Donald J. Trump, who uses them to fill gaps in his speech the way other people use “um” and “ah.” (An incredible feat of linguistic gymnastics, to say the least.) But only one of them is serving as the inspiration behind a brilliant new Lush product, revealed by the brand at its UK summit this month. It’s called Yuge, and it’s a volumizing hot-oil hair treatment being tested at the company lab as we speak. No word yet on whether it's compatible with Propecia. Although the guest star of the summit was what Lush describes in a press release as “an orange-faced, tiny-handed man,” Yuge allegedly only refers to the function of the product. And no, it's not orange; the innovative new conditioning formula comes in the form of a bright blue hexagon on a popsicle stick, as adorable and inherently Instagrammable as the rest of the brand’s offerings.
Photo: Lush.
Yuge isn’t the only thing Lush introduced at the annual event. The brand also announced that it’s taking a firm political stance with a campaign called ‘All Are Welcome. Always.’ “Lush has always championed for inclusivity and acceptance in diversity,” says a spokesperson for the company. “It’s no surprise that we’ve chosen to take our stance on the kind of future we want to live in.” The show of support is a natural decision that’s right in line with their mission statement, given the ongoing ‘Gay Is Ok’ and ‘Refugees Welcome’ campaigns, but it’s an important one nonetheless. Back to the beauty products: Yuge, along with the four other hot-oil treatments currently being tested (on humans!) for feedback, will likely see a UK launch once approved, but North America will have to wait a little while longer. If you’re dying to get your tiny hands on the masks ASAP, then now’s the time to let Lush know how you feel. Might we suggest Twitter as the perfect platform for making your voice heard across the world?

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