This Little Girl Adorably Ratted Her Dad Out For Growing "Weed"

Kids say the darndest things — and sometimes, they're especially vocal about the things you'd rather remain private in the house.
Dax Holt, a former producer at TMZ, recently had a bit of an awkward encounter with his daughter's teacher after she told her teacher about all of the weed in the family's backyard. In a video that Holt posted to his Facebook page, he grills his daughter on exactly what she told her teacher and why.
"What did you tell your teachers today?" Holt asks her in the video.
"Weed is not good for you," she answers.
When asked why she said that, she tells him, "Because weed is like grass, but it's not, it's weed."
"When I got to your school, the teacher said, 'I heard you have a lot of weed at your house,'" Holt tells her.
Though initially a little hesitant to explain what she was talking about, the little girl eventually relents to showing everyone exactly what "weed" she was talking about.
We won't spoil the ending for you, but let's just say that her definition of weed is, well, a little different than what you might have imagined.
You can watch the full video above.
(Refinery29 in no way encourages illegal activity and would like to remind its readers that marijuana usage continues to be an offense under Federal Law, regardless of state marijuana laws. To learn more, click here.)

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