This Game of Thrones Star Has Huge News

Photo: Matt Baron/REX/Shutterstock.
Exactly eight months and four days have passed since the last episode of the sixth season of Game of Thrones aired, but the release date of the seventh (and final) installment remains shrouded in mystery. The best answer we’ve gotten from the creators so far has been the frustratingly vague promise of a “mid-2017” debut, but hello, it’s March, and we still haven’t heard a peep.
This has left many fans to wonder: What’s the holdup? Are the show’s badass female stars negotiating a pay raise? (Give them all our money.) Did one of the dragons sustain an on-set injury? Are they honestly just trying to make us suffer? Nobody can say for sure — not even George R.R. Martin, since the TV series diverged from the books two seasons ago.
But if you've been longing for a time when you could count on Jon Snow’s face to illuminate your television screen every Sunday night, maybe this news can fit comfortably into the hole Hodor left in your heart: Kit Harington, whose role as the bastard son of House Stark made him television’s most lusted-after sadboy, is going to be the new face of a Dolce & Gabbana men's fragrance called The One. (See? Valyrian steel and a way with the wildlings aren’t the only things he has going for him.)
“Kit Harington is exactly how we see the Dolce&Gabbana man: young, naturally charming, charismatic, with a personality rich in traits,” the brand said in a statement. They seem to have left out the parts where he’s brave, loyal, good at fighting, former captain of the Night’s Watch, and most importantly, no longer dead. Because when you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. Or you score a major beauty contract. Whichever comes first.

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