Lacy camisoles are a fashion go-to. N0t into the low-cut blouse look? A cami will cover your cleavage if you don't want the world to see it. But even the most eagle-eyed fashion folk couldn't have detected the source of this particular "camisole" hack: Today on CBS This Morning, Gayle King looked like she was wearing a pretty standard-issue purple lace tank. It wasn't until the co-anchor showed off an impressive (and unexpected) clothing hack that we discovered it wasn't a cami at all. Instead, that peek of lace came courtesy of a repurposed thong. Yep, you read that right.
"Thong underwear which I HATE can be used as a Cami — just cut out the crotch!," King captioned the image, which shows her proudly holding up a lacy purple thong boyshort. "@therealadamsays approves!! Swipe right to see creative use of panties," she continues, adding that the creative director of O Magazine endorses the panties-as-cami move. Wait — that's basically an approval from Oprah herself, right?
In the second image, we see how King snipped the crotch of the thong to transform the lacy underpinning into an entirely different garment: a tube top. Will strange wonders never cease? Underneath her coral sheath dress, you can't even tell that Gayle DIY'd herself a bandeau — likely sourced from the non-bra section of Victoria's Secret, for that matter. Hey, if you're someone who stows a pair of party shoes at your desk, apparently this is just one of many reasons to consider tossing a pair of underwear in there, too.
People reports that this isn't the first time that Gayle's fashion quirks have come up in conversation. While she sticks to what she likes, King says that her bestie Oprah is quick to offer up advice. The famed talk-show host once called one of King's statement necklaces a "circus" — and in a separate incident, called out King's lipstick for being "too red" for TV. Oh really, Oprah?