Rihanna Just Forever Changed The Way We Think About Grocery Shopping

Up until very recently, we thought it was impossible for anyone to look halfway decent while shopping for groceries. Seeing as we’re the types to need our comfiest sweatpants on in order to brave the Trader Joe’s line and much-too-small convenience stores, we were shocked and amazed by Rihanna’s new Paper Magazine cover. The photos in this cover story feature the pop queen looking sexy as hell while simply hanging out in a bodega.
The idea behind the shoot came from creative director and stylist Shannon Stokes and stylists Farren Fucci. According to Paper Mag’s website, the team was inspired by Rihanna’s “budding acting career and chameleon-like powers of transformation to cast her as a high fashion clerk in a bodega of the future.” The concept of this photoshoot may seem totally weird and specific, but when you get a look at the photos, you’ll see how well it comes across. Stokes said, “We thought it would be interesting to put a superstar like Rih in such an everyday surrounding." So, that’s just what they did. Since she's an international pop star and has just embarked on a new career path as Nine Ball in the forthcoming Ocean's Eight film, in reality Rihanna would most likely never be seen behind the counter of a bodega. In fact, she probably has someone do all her grocery shopping for her, but we still think that, as always, she slays in these photos.
Clicking through the photos, you’ll see Rihanna posing in outfits that scream punk princess all while in a run-of-the-mill corner store. She leans against freezer cases in a pink fur coat and wears Chanel while sipping a 40 next to the check out counter. One of the photos also shows Rih Rih munching on a bag of Bugles and looking hotter than any snacker we’ve ever seen — and that’s saying a lot because we’ve experienced a lot of snacking. We should have known if there’s anyone who can make chilling in a cramped bodega look good it’s Rihanna. She just became our ultimate grocery shopping inspo.

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