If you're searching for ways to keep the momentum from International Women's Day alive, director Tiffany Shlain has a plan. The creative vision behind 2016's documentary, "50/50," which examines the often-neglected history of women trailblazers and outlines key reforms for building a more equal future, Shlain hopes to transform the raw energy of yesterday's marches into a diverse dialogue about the work we still have left to do.
50/50 Day, set for May 10, 2017, will begin with screenings of Shlain's film—a provocative look at how the past can help us imagine a more compassionate, just society, not only for women, but for everybody. Next, we're asking you to join a worldwide conversation and Q&A by tuning in to a 24-hour panel of leaders who'll discuss strategies for achieving greater gender equality in fields ranging from business and politics to the Arts. Did we mention that all discussion materials are free? Get ready to relive the inspiration of International Women's Day, this time with voices from across the globe.
Sign up for more information on 50/50 Day's official page, and we're looking forward to keeping the revolution going together on May 10.