You Can Get Paid $12K To Travel & Drink Beer

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Did you endure an unpaid internship that involved fetching coffee and taking the office dog out to "do its business"? Just me? For anyone looking for a more, ahem, rewarding internship, national tavern chain World of Beer may just be the answer. Interested in drinking beer, traveling around the good ol' U.S. of A., and $12,000? You better polish up that résumé — oh, and clean up that Facebook profile.
Condé Nast Traveler reports that every year, World of Beer looks for three Drink It Interns. Their duties? According to the job listing, "hopping from brewery to brewery, WOB tavern to WOB tavern, to explore beer for themselves and share their stories with WOB drinkers across the country." Sounds easy enough right? If you get past all of the beer-related language, the job boils down to a social media gig.
"Whether you’re a photographer or writer, social media maverick or beer blog surfer, we are looking for you," the application reads. "Adventure seekers and storytellers, beer experts or novices, brewery nerds and foodie fans all open to apply."
While you traverse the nation and learn about beer, from how it's made to how it's served and consumed, you'll be tweeting, posting to Insta, and writing blog posts about your journey. CNT adds that you don't have to be a seasoned beer drinker, either. You just need to be enthusiastic and have a firm grasp on how social media works. After the four-month internship, you're sure to be an expert on all things beer.
Think you've got what it takes? To apply, you'll have to have some digital know-how. In addition to an application, anyone looking for a position as a Drink It Intern will have to film a one-minute clip that explains why they deserve the coveted title. Did we mention that the 12k paycheck is on top of all travel expenses? You'll be hard-pressed to find a sweeter internship anywhere. After sifting through the applicants, World of Beer will conduct in-person interviews to choose the final three.

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