Allison Williams Has Some Minor But Significant Changes For The Bachelor

Photo: Paul Zimmerman/WireImage/Getty Images
Allison Williams is doing the right thing with her newfound celebrity level. Namely, she's trying to go right to the source and effect some real change in The Bachelor. And her suggestions aren't half bad. She sat down with the Huffington Post's Here To Make Friends podcast and broke down how the women (and men) of the Bachelor (and Bachelorette) are being denied some basic human rights. Those rights are, of course, the rights to water and tissues.
“Is there no water anywhere in this house? Because it’s all anyone needs ― water,” Williams said on the podcast. “Secondly, what is with the lack of tissues? I brought this up with Chris Harrison, [and] it thudded to the floor. He wouldn’t address it. I’ve had a suspicion for years that there are no tissues offered to [the contestants] ever, especially in the limos after they get cut.”
She also accurately pointed out that there's only one person who can cry elegantly.
“Viola Davis is the only person alive who can elegantly cry all the tears while speaking without a tissue,” said Williams. “No one else can do that. They’re not actresses, they’re not professionals. They’re just people crying... If I were on that show, I’d use the bottom of my fucking dress.”
We would submit that Barack Obama was also an effective public crier, though we don't know if he could stand up to the rigors of The Bachelor. Seriously, though, Bach contestants are locked in a house without access to cell phones, the internet, or a person who isn't their producer-appointed love match. The only rational responses are to drink all day or to nap, which Corinne successfully figured out. Also, they're constantly fighting for the attention of some handsome rando while producers play mind games and give them villain edits based on a whim. It sounds like an easy recipe for insanity.
Give these women some tissues and some water, please.

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