This Friends Star Once Beat Up Justin Trudeau

Have you heard about "The One Where Chandler Bing Nearly Took Out Canada's Greatest National Treasure (No Offense, Ryans)"?
Matthew Perry has a complicated history with Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, he revealed during his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last night. The Friends star, who was raised in Ottawa, went to school with the future world leader (and, according to Wikipedia, his mother once worked as a press secretary for Trudeau's father, former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau). It did not go well.
"I have a story about him that I'm not proud of," Perry told Kimmel in the clip below. "My friend Chris Murray, who was also in the fifth grade in Canada, reminded me that we actually beat up Justin Trudeau. We both beat him up."
Though Trudeau is two years younger than Perry, he'd already triggered feelings of inadequacy.
"I think he was excelling at a sport that we weren't as [good at], so it was pure jealousy, and, you know, we beat him up," the 47-year-old actor admitted. "His dad was Prime Minister at the time but that wasn't the reason we beat him up. I think he was the only kid in school that we could beat up.
"I'm not bragging about this," he continued. "This is terrible. I was a stupid kid and I didn't want to beat him up. In fact, I think at some point I tried to turn it into love-play... But I think I was rather instrumental in him going to such great heights and becoming Prime Minister. I think he said, 'I'm going to rise above this and become Prime Minister.'"
That's one way to look at it. Also, could this story be any more Chandler Bing? It'd be just like him to lose it with someone, then end up with that person as his new boss/girlfriend's dad/Prime Minister who could have him deported on a whim.

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