Kendall Jenner Says She Cooks This Dish Better Than Anyone Else

Photo: Antonio de Moraes Barros Filho/FilmMagic.
Kendall Jenner just threw out a major challenge to her fellow home cooks. Though the 21-year-old model often opts for eating out or ordering in, when she’s not too busy on the catwalk, she likes to get her hands dirty in the kitchen. On such occasions, there’s one dish that’s always her go-to, and she says she makes it better than anyone else. Them’s fightin’ words, girl.
Jenner recently posted a recipe for her “Pasta with Peas” to her app, and it looks so simple that even someone with severe Mageirocophibia — that’s the fear of cooking, and yes, it is very real — could probably prepare it just as well as Kendall. The instructions start with boiling fettuccine noodles until al dente, which is easy enough. Then, sauté onions, garlic, and frozen peas. After that, add Parmesan, the cooked pasta, and moisten with some of the leftover pasta water. Finally, mix it up, and season with salt, pepper, and lemon juice. See? I think we could take her on this one.
Accompanying the recipe, Kendall wrote on her app, “I don't cook that much besides my standard eggs, avocado and toast breakfast, but when I do, I have a few super simple recipes that I consider my ‘specialties'… The first dish is a really good pasta with peas that I could eat for every meal. It's really easy and I always have all the ingredients on hand. Try it yourself!” Oh, Kendall, we intend to.

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