Ryan Reynolds Opened Up About Struggling With Anxiety As A Father

Photo: Brian To/REX/Shutterstock.
In the past five years, Ryan Reynolds has gone from engaged bachelor to father of two. His wife, Blake Lively, gave birth to baby James two years ago, and their youngest daughter, Ines, is just five months old. So, while Reynolds has definitely experienced all the joys that come with fatherhood, he's also experienced the difficulties. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, the actor, who stars in the upcoming movie Life along with Jake Gyllenhaal, opened up about the less glamorous side of being a father and how it's affecting his mental health.
"I think you're just more desperate in everything you do," the 40-year-old explained. "Cause you're like. 'I've got 10 minutes to do this, and then I gotta get home for a thing, and a thing, and a thing...'"
There's no way to hit pause on being a father, and learning to keep up takes a lot of practice.
"There's just no time anymore, so you're hardened by it," he continued. "Anxiety, I think, that's probably it."
While the anxiety can be tough, the Deadpool star says having Gyllenhaal by his side makes things easier.
"There's a certain harmony that comes when we're both together," he gushed.
"It's a beauty that is unmatched pretty much anywhere, I would think," Gyllenhaal added.
Gyllenhaal isn't the only one who helps him out. Reynolds previously talked about how his two daughters are already looking out for each other and keeping the family afloat.
"Well, they look alike. You can see that [Ines is] sort of a little mini version of our older girl [James]," he told Entertainment Tonight. "But, no, it’s great. It's like an actually cohesive, working, functioning family. It’s amazing to see my older daughter taking care of my younger one. The Lion King was right! The circle of life exists."

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