Supergirl Started The Glee Reunion We All Deserve

Photo: Jack Rowand/The CW.
Before this week, there was one fact in the CW’s quartet of DC Universe series that went largely and criminally ignored: half of the show’s leads are Glee alums, meaning they’re harboring perfect pipes. The Flash’s Grant Gustin was Dalton Academy Warblers sometimes-villain Sebastian Smythe, while Supergirl’s blonde Melissa Benoist played the brunette Marley Rose.
The snubbing of these very important facts finally ends this week with a two-night musical crossover special between the superhero dramas — and none other than beloved New Directioner Darren Criss is serving as the bad guy. This is the closest fans are getting to the Glee reunion of their dreams.
Supergirl kicked off the event in the final moment of season 2’s “Star-Crossed,” when it’s announced an unusual prisoner is entering the DEO, the alien-monitoring government agency Supergirl-slash-Kara Danvers is a member of. Of course, Criss and his handsome face walks through the door in chains.
In a too-perfect moment, Supergirl’s BFF Winn (Smash's Jeremy Jordan) announces, “Ooh, he looks fun,” because obviously Darren Criss is fun. The new baddie, who is DC Comics character the Music Meister, immediately reveals he let himself get caught for a grand evil plan and begins hypnotizing Kara. Then he opens up a portal to pull The Flash into all of this craziness, since the speedster exists in an alternate universe.
Superhero shows are a lot.
Once the Music Meister disappears, Kara wakes up in another dimension that looks exactly like a '40s musical, Veronica Lake waves and all. It’s time for her to sing even though she has no idea what’s going on.
The continuation of Kara’s alternate reality conundrum will continue in The Flash season 3’s “Duet,” when fastest man alive Barry Allen joins her. The pair will have to sing, tap dance, and follow the Music Meister's script or die.
While we can only guess the leads of two major television series won’t perish, we know super friends Kara and Barry will sing about, well, super friendship together in a song written by Crazy Ex-Girlfriend star Rachel Bloom.
Until “Duet” airs we’ll keep our fingers crossed Criss’s Music Meister also gets in a few bars to make this a complete Warblers-New Directioners collaboration.

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