The Internet Is Going After Cracker Barrel For Allegedly Firing A Woman

A restaurant chain is learning the hard way that hell hath no fury like a bunch of pissed off people on the internet.
People are going after Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, a restaurant chain famous for its Southern comfort food, for allegedly firing a woman.
On Tuesday, a man called Bradley Reid Byrd posted a simple question on the brand's Facebook page: "Why did you fire my wife?"
Another user, Emily Marie Wellman, asked Byrd what had happened.
"She was let go. I don't know why. That's why I'm asking them. No answer yet LOL," he replied.
Commenters went crazy. They started to pressure Cracker Barrel, saying things like "We have your back, Brad" and "Time for answers, Cracker Barrel!!!"
But the issue really went viral when Kentucky-based comedian Amiri King posted a play-by-play recap on his Facebook page.
"There is an absolute shit show going on at the Cracker Barrel Old Country Store facebook page. Someone named Brad had a wife that worked there for 11 years," King wrote. "Well, she got fired on Brad's birthday. The Internet is trolling THE FU#K out of their page."
Soon, the hashtag #JusticeforBradsWife was born.
Even though Cracker Barrel closed comments on the original Facebook thread, users are still taking them to task in unrelated posts.
And there's more. A man called Timothy McCardell II started a petition called "JUSTICE FOR BRAD'S WIFE, CRACKER BARREL!"
"Brad was a kind and simple man. His wife, a loyal Cracker Barrel employee of 11 years," it reads. "On a day that should have been full of cake and laughter, there was sorrow. It was Brad’s birthday and his wife was unfairly, unjustly, terminated from her employment."
McCardell II said the petition would be delivered to the corporate offices of Cracker Barrel if it hit 10,000 signatures. As of now, it has about 17,700 supporters.

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