Here's Why The Internet Is Going Pink Today

Photographed by Eric White.
We're not joking when we say that women's reproductive rights have been under relentless attack in the last couple of years. And that war has only intensified in the months following the 2016 presidential election.
Anti-choice politicians and their supporters have felt emboldened to up their fight against women's health care — from the Arkansas governor outlawing a common and safe abortion procedure, to the controversial Iowa Rep. Steve King introducing a "heartbeat bill" to Congress. The crusade against Planned Parenthood, an organization which offers so much more than abortion services to women and men alike, has been particularly brutal.
So today, Planned Parenthood supporters are going all out with a show of support for reproductive rights and the healthcare organization at the frontlines — by turning the internet pink.
This campaign will be a way to let lawmakers and the current administration know that people have seen their attacks on women's access to reproductive healthcare. And despite their efforts to push back against reproductive rights, advocates won't back down.
"Pink Out Day is time for reproductive rights supporters to show their defiance against the relentless attacks on Planned Parenthood. It’s a day to show anti-women’s health politicians that we will fight like hell to protect our 2.5 million patients a year and the 1 in 5 women that will go to Planned Parenthood in her life," the campaign website reads. "It’s a day for people to unite and say: We resist. We are strong. And we’re not backing down — not today, not ever."
Dawn Laguens, the executive vice president at Planned Parenthood Action Fund, told Refinery29 in a statement that the defeat of the Republican healthcare bill last Friday is an example that calling your member of Congress or attending protests is actually effective.
"Because so many people made their voices heard, we were able to defeat a bad bill that would have left 24 million without health insurance and prohibited women and men across the country from getting care at Planned Parenthood health centers," she said.
Laguens added, "We know that the fight isn't over. But each time they attack our health, rights, or communities, Planned Parenthood will be there in full force. Today is the day to send a clear message to those same politicians in DC: the majority of people in this country support Planned Parenthood, and we will not stand for your attacks on women's health and rights."
It's important to clarify that Pink Out Day isn't an actual physical event. Instead, the campaign will live online, which lets anyone interested participate easily.
If folks want to show their support for Planned Parenthood, there's a couple of things they can do today. For example, change your profile picture with a pink filter that reads "#IStandWithPP" or share a #PinkOut selfie on social media.
Supporters are also encouraged to join the Thunderclap campaign, which automatically posts a one-time message of support for Planned Parenthood on your social media accounts. You can can also purchase some pink swag on the website's official store. (Naturally, all proceeds go to the organization.)
And if you're interested in supporting women's reproductive rights beyond today's campaign, read our quick guide on how you can do so.
Now, it's time to make your voice heard. Get inspired by the tweets below and go paint the web pink.
This story was originally published on March 29, 2017, at 11:35 a.m.
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