Google Maps Just Released The BEST April Fools' Day Game

Once in a while, a company releases an April Fools' Day prank that is so brilliant, it makes us giddy with joy. This is one of those April Fools' Day pranks.
Google Maps just launched a Ms. Pac-Man game that you can play right from the app on your phone. (Just make sure it's updated.) Hit the Ms. Pac-Man button on the side of the map, and start eating those delicious little dots.
We gave it a whirl, and it totally holds up to the original. I'll definitely be playing this on the subway on my way home.
The really cool feature of the game is that it will redesign your neighborhood — or wherever you happen to be — into a Pac-Man level. You can even hop over to any location you want on your map and play from there.
This isn't the first time Google has offered us the chance to play Pac-Man on our very own city's streets. Back in 2015, it also did a Pac-Man game for April Fools' Day. But, as a writer on BuzzFeed says, this one's better. "This one is a little cooler, and also it's MS. Pac-Man, not regular Pac-Man. You can tell by, ya know, her red bow." Definitely cooler.

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