You Have To Listen To The Song This Adorable Kid Made Up To Ask For Oreos

Photo: Getty Images.
As any former child knows, one of the more clever way to get what you want from adults is by being adorable. It’s up to you whether to use that power for good or evil. Daily Mail just introduced us to a three-year-old named Vivienne who’s using her cuteness for a noble reason, to get more Oreos.
Last week, Vivienne’s dad Jim Varagona posted a video to Facebook of his daughter singing an improvised song about how much she loves Oreos and why. The video was about three minutes, but in the comments, the Dad explained that he didn’t even start filming until about half way through his daughter’s freestyle. According to Daily Mail, the three-year-old began singing the little ditty right before bed because her parents told her she couldn’t have her favorite treat so close to bedtime. Smart kid.
Vivienne was so enthusiastic about her love for Oreos that in some parts of her song she gets a little carried away and starts to yell. That’s understandable; we’ve all behaved this way at one point or another around our favorite foods. In the parts of the song we can actually understand, this creative genius describes the way that she likes to eat her Oreos. She sings, “I like Oreos so much because their nice and soft. That’s why I eat the cream, and lick it off…After I eat the cream off — after I lick it off — I eat the chocolate part because that’s what I DO!” At least that’s what we think she’s singing. It's definitely worth hearing the whole thing for yourself.
Her mom and dad clapped between verses, but despite the cuteness and the comments from other Facebook users urging the parents to “Give that girl an Oreo!” Vivienne still didn’t get her wish. Her father told Daily Mail, “'She still didn't get any Oreos that night.” We can't decide what’s more impressive here, this kid’s creativity, or the fact that her parents stayed so strong when up against such an extreme level of cuteness.

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