Keeping Up With The Kardashians Episode 5 Recap: "When It Rains, It Pours"

Photo: Brian Bowen Smith/E! Entertainment.
Last week's episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians was a little light on the action and a little heavy on the doctors' appointments. This week's episode does its best to live up to its title, "When It Rains, It Pours."
Big issues are on the menu. Kim is struggling with getting out of the house. Khloé is struggling with her feelings about Caitlyn, and Scott is struggling with his relationship status with Kourtney. That last one isn't new, but it is the old standby story line for the chronic co-parenting team of Scott and Kourtney. Speaking of parenting, it's also time for Dream Kardashian's TV debut, officially making Rob a dad.
The Saint Pablo tour rolls into the LA Forum, and Kim shows up to support Kanye. It's her first time out since the robbery, and she's nervous, but the Forum is a safe space for her. Kris is proud that Kim is out and about and convinced it will be therapeutic for Kim. Which is exactly what Kris tells Katy Perry. Katy, of course, is full-on Team Kim and philosophical about the whole thing. "Everything is a lesson," Perry says.
The reality for Kim isn't quite what she hoped. When they leave the security of backstage and Kim is confronted with thousands of concert-goers her anxiety spikes. She feels the camera phones on her. The vibe of the crowd freaks her out, so she decides to go backstage. "I just want to disappear for a little bit," she says. It was the first outing, but it wasn't as successful as she would have liked.
Khloé's issues with Caitlyn start to reach a breaking point at Kendall's 21st birthday party. Khloé asks Kourtney to switch seats with her at dinner because Khloé doesn't want to sit by Caitlyn. Naturally, awkward conversation ensues. Caitlyn asks about Cleveland. Khloé shares as little as possible. Khloé has unresolved feelings about how Caitlyn handled the family relationships during her transition. "When push comes to shove, I'll always be Team Kris Jenner," Khloé says. She feels protective of her mother and doesn't think that Caitlyn treated Kris very well.
Caitlyn calls Kris later and asks her to intervene with Khloé on Caitlyn's behalf. "It would mean a lot to me if you would reach out to her," Caitlyn says to Kris. Kris agrees, albeit reluctantly. She admits that her feelings about Caitlyn are a bit of a roller coaster. Khloé is honest with her mother when Kris broaches the subject. "She's not the stepdad I once had," Khloé says. Kris says she doesn't want what happened between her and Caitlyn to affect any relationship the kids might have with Caitlyn. Khloé doesn't exactly buy it after Kris's reaction to the ESPYs. At the end of the talk, though, Khloé claims she doesn't want to hold on to any useless drama and agrees to reach out to Caitlyn.
The next social challenge comes for Kim in the form of a charity event that is going to honor the late Robert Kardashian. "I will be odd if she doesn't show up," Kris says about Kim. In preparation, Kim is going through boxes of old photos and memories. (She finds a particularly embarrassing Little League photo of Khloé and, of course, her first instinct is to share it on social media.) Kim wants to do a tribute video. She and Kourtney watch some of the old footage, including Kourtney's arrival home from the hospital and Kim's first day of first grade. Kim is questioning whether or not she should push herself to go to the event. Kim feels guilty. Her dad helped shape her into the person she is today, she explains. "To miss out seeing him honored would be unfortunate," she says.
The younger Robert Kardashian welcomes the birth of his daughter Dream. The whole family (minus Kim who joins via Facetime) convenes at the hospital to welcome Dream and congratulate Rob and Chyna.
Kourtney and Scott head down Mexico way for a quick vacation with their kids. Khloé takes a break from her Caitlyn drama to question, along with a huge portion of the Internet, Kourtney and Scott's relationship status. These two have always been, and will continue to be, the poster children for "It's complicated." Kim and Khloé discuss it and decide, based on social media posts, that Kourtney and Scott are basically back together. "I don't even question it," Kim says. "I'm, like, Team Him."
Caitlyn and Khloé arrange a get together at Khloé's house. "I have a ton of opinions and feelings about Cait," Khloé says. "But before Caitlyn, there was Bruce and Bruce was in my life for like 20 years." Khloé is relieved when Caitlyn suggests they have a drink to go along with their talk. "Over the last year and a half, we certainly have grown apart," Caitlyn says. She admits that when no one calls or stops by, it is hard not to think that it is about the transition.
Khloé tries to explain her feelings and also struggles with being, in her words, politically correct about the whole situation. Khloé is honest about the fact that she just didn't feel like she had the bandwidth to deal with Caitlyn. "I just wasn't in a place where I could invest in new relationships," Khloé says. The conversation ends with an exchange of virtual olive branches and mutual expressions of love. "Whatever makes everyone happy is what I'm all about," Khloé says. Someone needlepoint that on a pillow. Fast. Maybe it can be part of the DASH rebrand.
Such is not the case for Kourtney and Scott. Scott tells Khloé that he and Kourtney had a great trip. "We made future plans to do things and stuff," he says. Khloé still doesn't have clarity on their relationship status. But, then again, neither does Scott. "It's a little confusing," he says, way understating the reality. Kim's curious, too. She and Khloé want to know if Scott is getting over Kourtney. He says he'll never be over her. "She's the love of my life," Scott says.
The Kourtney side of the equation is typically obtuse. Her report of the trip is that they argued the whole time. She flat-out denies that they are trying to work things out, even though Khloé says it looks differently from the outside. Kourtney says Scott is reading too much into the family trips. Khloé and anyone paying attention shouldn't buy it. (This is confirmed later in the episode when Kourtney says, "It's in God's hands. I mean, it would be nice.")
The biggest drama of all from this episode is only teased in the closing moments. Kim faces her anxiety and makes the trip to New York with Kourtney and Kris for the charity event. In the car from the airport, Kim confirms to her publicist that Kanye has canceled the remaining 21 shows of the Saint Pablo tour. "He just needs to take some time for himself," Kim says into the phone. She admits to her mother and sister that she thinks it is for the best. This is all build-up to Kanye's hospitalization last fall. That is the call that Kim gets after they get to the hotel. Kanye's friend calls, obviously to tell Kim about Kanye's situation. Kim bursts into tears. "Don't scare me, please," she says. "What's going on?"
Cut to a black screen. "To Be Continued." Once again, a show where viewers have known what is going to happen for months manages to end on a cliffhanger. Of sorts.

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