If there are two things every human on earth requires for happiness, they would surely include love and ice cream. Yes, even those opting for a dairy-free, gluten-free, guilt-free life. Despite the icy tropes that informed you about goths through movies and television, goths need love and ice cream too.
While the former of those two essentials is a bit tricky, ice cream is a sure thing. Little Damage Ice Cream shop in L.A. is leading the charge. The shop, located in Downtown L.A., specializes in artisanal soft serve in many cheeky and punk rock flavors. Mango sticky rice, beet, and unicorn tears-flavored ice cream can be topped off with items like fruity pebbles and caramel popcorn. What exactly unicorn tears taste like? That's anyone’s guess. Photo’s of the popular flavor reveal an eye-catching turquoise color, reminiscent of the childhood classic, Blue Moon.
Considering the amount of attention the family-owned shop has received since opening this past February, it seems to be a hit with customers.
The best part is that the witchy ice cream is served in delicious made-to-order black waffle cones for an even darker effect. According to Los Angeles magazine, the black cones are made with almond charcoal, which means not only does it taste great, it also has a few health benefits.
Last summer on another coast Nick Morgenstern, founder of Morgenstern’s ice cream in New York City, made some adventurous foodies dreams come true when the ice creamery debuted their “coconut ash” flavor. The ice cream has been a hit ever since, despite the need to wash the black ice cream down after eating and before giving a full-grinned smile. The black inky cream is known to temporarily turn your mouth a bit gray.
We’d imagine a goth-inspired black lippy is just the trick to detract eyes from your temporarily stained teeth.
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